Eenadu News Paper Clip about COVID-19 Face Shields
Minutes of Heads and Faculty meeting held on 06-08-2019 at 11.00 a.m
Minutes of the Meeting Held on 28-5-2019
News Paper Advertisements
Minutes of the meeting held on 24-5-2019
12(B) form JNTUH
IST Brochure
6th National Conference on water, Environment & Society (NCWES - 2019)
Andhra Jyothi paper add about IST
Eenadu News Paper Clip about IST 30 Years
NBA Accreditation - BT, EMT,EGM,WET-2019
NAAC 'A' Accreditation letter JNTUH
NBA Acceditation CNST & CCST One Year Extension
Proceedings of 5th National Conference on water, Environment & Society (NCWES - 2018)
5th National Conference on Water Environment & Society 04-06 June 2018
Fifth International Conference on "HYDROLOGY AND WATERSHED MANAGEMENT"
Souvenir of the National Sustainable and Environmental Management (SWEM 17)
Proceedings of the National Sustainable and Environmental Management (SWEM 17)
National Conference on Sustainable Water and Environmental Management - (SWEM-17)
Applications of Geomatics for Disaster Management (AGDM-2017)
Brochure for National conference on Sustainable Water and Environmental Management (SWEM-17)
Report for National Conference on Water, Environment and Society (NCWES-2017)
Proceedings of National Conference on Water, Environment and Society (NCWES-2017)
Broucher for National Conference on Water, Environment and Society (NCWES-2017)
Invitation to Tender and Instructions to Tenderers for the supply of items for Institute of Science & Technology
Invitation to Tender and Instructions to Tenderers - Supply of Equipment for Centre for Chemical Sciences & Technology
International Conference on Biotechnology & Bio-engineering - Trends (ICBT-2017)
NBA Acceditation CNST and CCST
4th National Conference on Water, Environment and Society (NCWES-2017) during 16th-18th March 2017 in Center for Water Resources
International Conference On "Trend setting Innovations in Chemical Sciences & Technology-Nature Inspired Chemistry & Engineering" TSCST-NICE 2016 during 4th - 6th October, 2016. Organizing by Centre for Chemical Sciences & Technology, Institute of Science
Report for National Conference on Water, Environment and Society (NCWES-2016)
Proceedings of 3rd National Conference on Water Environment and Society-NCWES 2016
Two Day National Workshop on "RECENT ADVANCEMENTS FOR BLOOM OF YOUTH IN PHARMA AND NANO" on 17th and 18th June-2016
Broucher for National Conference on Water, Environment and Society (NCWES-2016)
Centre for Chemical Sciences & Technology is Conducting International Conference on " Trend Setting Innovations In Chemical Science & Technology - Applications In Pharma Industry(TSCST-API-2015) during 16th to 18th Dec, 2015 last date for abstract submiss
Proceedings of NCWES 2015
Report for National Conference on Water, Environment and Society (NCWES-2015)
Proceedings of National Conference on Water, Environment and Society (NCWES-2015)
Broucher for National Conference on Water, Environment and Society (NCWES-2015)
Broucher for SWAT skill development programme
Selected Participants list for the Skill development programme
The notification issued for the recruitment of Adhoc Lecturers by the Director Institute of Science and Technology, JNTUH on 31.05.2015 stands cancelled until further orders.
Notification for adhoc lecturers recruitment at IST, JNTUH
Two Day National Conference on Water, Environment & Society (NCWES - 2015)
Notification for Shopping / Direct Contract for Equipment
Invitation for Direct Contract from eligible Firms/Organizations for supply of package, Springer eBooks Collection for ISTJNTUH
Report for National Conference on Water, Environment and Society (NCWES-2014)
Proceedings of National Conference on Water, Environment and Society (NCWES-2014)
Broucher for National Conference on Water, Environment and Society (NCWES-2014)
Proceedings of the Two Day National Conference on Water, Environment and Society (NCWES-2014), 30th June and 01st July 2014
Final program for the Two day National Conference on Water, Environment and Society (NCWES-2014)
IST, JNTUH Full Time Ph.D. (under TEQIP-II) -2014 Entrance Examination : Instructions for Issue of Hall Tickets / list of eligible candidates / list of Not Eligible candidates for written test
National Conference on Water, Environment and Society (NCWES-2014) Scheduled during 30 June - 01 July 2014
International Conference on New Dimensions in Chemistry & Chemical Technology - Applications in Pharma Industry (NDCT-2014)
One-Day WORKSHOP on "Emerging Trends in Chemical Sciences and Technology" on 09th January 2014
JNTUH - IV Convocation - Final Gold Medal list - 2013
A One day Workshop on "Science & Society" on 11th November, 2013
Applications of Geomatics for Disaster Management (AGDM-2013) scheduled during 30th December 2013 – 11th January 2014
Attention Principals of JNTUH Summer Schedule for Mission10X (HIITS) Workshop
International Conferences on Recent Advances in Design, Development and Operation of mIcro Air Vehicles
AGDM 2013
The IV Convocation of JNTU Hyderabad is Schedule to to held on 09-11-2013
Re-scheduled RRM (Research Review Meeting to be held during 4th, 5th & 6th November, 2013)
Two day Workshop on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technologies (10-11 November, 2013)